FlexPlan project: considering flexibility to support long-term grid planning

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FlexPlan project highlighted at Innogrid 2020

The H2020 FlexPlan project aims at developing and testing a new grid planning tool, considering investments in flexibility, storage, grid reinforcements/expansion for transmission and distribution grids. Environmental and security/reliability constraints are also taken into account, as well as the probabilistic nature of the problem (due to the uncertain nature of the scnarios considered for 2030-2040-2050).

The project was recently selected to a panel discussion at virtual InnoGrid 2020 (organised by EDSO and ENTSO-E), during which the project coordinator, Gianluigi Migliavacca, had the opportunity to set out the project.

In the project, N-SIDE’s main role is to:

·      Design and implement innovative algorithms to solve the computationally challenging probabilistic optimization problem

·      Design, implement and test the new T&D planning tool, including a GUI and supporting the large-scale tests performed on 6 regional cases.

·      Make sure the planning tool can be tested by stakeholders after the project and so fits the needs of the planning tool users.

Considering this last point, FlexPlan recently launched a consultation on the planning tool (features and interface). All concerned stakeholders are kindly invited to answer the questions:

Take part in the consultation

The overall budget of  the H2020 FlexPlan project is nearly 4.5M€. The consortium includes three TSOs (TERNAELES and REN), one DSO (ENEL Global Infrastructure representing e-distribuzione), several R&D companies and universities from 8 European Countries (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain) and N-SIDE, the developer of the European market coupling platform EUPHEMIA.

Have a look at the brochure for more information on theFlexPlan project and all involved partners.

About the Author

Corporate Communications Manager

Justin Gellezak